It is not necessary for the contract to be signed before a notary; its validity will be the same if it is signed privately.
Anything not expressly stated in the business premises lease agreement will be subject to the provisions of the law. The Civil Code will apply as a supplementary law.
The landlord malaysian business email list must deposit the security deposit in the corresponding public body, depending on the Autonomous Community in which the property is located.
We will know if it has been deposited or not because our copy of the contract will have a stamp or they will give us a receipt justifying it.

Please note that all self-employed persons or companies that rent a commercial premises to carry out their economic activity, with some exceptions , must submit the IRPF form 115 on rentals on a quarterly basis .
Clauses that must be included in a business premises rental contract
Let's focus on the 4 clauses that I consider most important when drafting your rental contract:
Income and duration
Works in the premises
Transfer of commercial premises
1. Rent and duration of the business premises contract
Both the rent and the duration of the contract are freely agreed upon with the other party.
It is most beneficial for you to have the duration as long as possible. This ensures that the rent does not increase beyond the agreed revaluation.