Cloud RCE© is a flexible and cost-effective solution based on two components: a card (Cloud Micro Controller or CMC©) that is easy to integrate into both new and existing equipment; and a range of services offered in SaaS (Software as a Service) mode, aimed at managing the performance and optimising the operating costs of the botim data devices, improving the efficiency, safety and profitability of centres offering hair removal and aesthetic medicine treatments. The solution is marketed in three scenarios: for franchises and clinic chains; for franchisees or independent beauty centres; and for equipment manufacturers.

“With Cloud RCE© we are the first company in the world to offer a service for the hair removal and aesthetics segment based on a unique technology, with global reach and easy integration ,” says João Teixeira-Gomes, president of Cloud RCT, who adds that “our technology and our services are aimed at improving efficiency, profitability and customer satisfaction throughout the entire value chain of the professional aesthetics sector . ”
Cloud RCE© is currently in the testing period with several national clients in both the manufacturer and franchise sub-segments.
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Solution for three scenarios
Cloud RCE© offers specific functionalities in three usage scenarios: manufacturers, franchises and franchisees.
Franchises and clinic chains can purchase Cloud RCE © for as many centres in their chain and for as many machines as they wish, in order to have, via a PC and an Internet connection, an information panel from which they can remotely view and in real time all the devices, individually or in groups, as well as their status, locate them and access them.