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Common sense applied to marketing

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 4:12 am
by asimd17
We all know Pavlov's theories, which can, by extension, explain why some products sometimes evoke certain emotions and feelings in us. Marketing, although many wrongly think that it tries to control consumer behavior, works on the relationships between the consumer and the brands that want to reach them, looking for the best way to interact and build an adequate perception of consumers towards a certain product or service.

The history of marketing has also been based on cognitively oriented theories derived from social psychology, such as Festinger's cognitive dissonance theory or Fritz Heider's equilibrium theory. These theories, when applied to marketing, can explain how a consumer's attitude towards a product is formed, developed and modified.

In my opinion, the most well-known and applicable theory to marketing is Maslow's scale of needs, which helps us to better understand the consumer and to architect data use marketing tools that best fit the market situation.

But the truth is that all these theories known by marketing professionals are applied to a greater or lesser extent in the strategies designed for clients. Although, as the title of this reflection says, marketing is common sense . This statement is somewhat reckless for its generality and although it is not mine, since I heard it from a professor and friend, I accept it as my own and try to apply it in my work.


Why common sense?

The concept is composed of: 'common' , which is the property that can be attributed to a plurality of individuals , which is expressed by a concept , and 'sense' , which refers to the sensitivity of the nervous system with reference to the senses : sense of taste , sense of hearing , sense of sight , sense of touch , sense of smell , and sometimes also to feelings .

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Thus, common sense according to Renny Yagosesky is "the natural capacity of groups and communities to operate from a shared symbolic code , which allows them to perceive reality, or assign a meaning to people, objects or situations, which is obvious to the common members of that community."

As we can see from these definitions, we are talking about shared codes , or in other words, they are unwritten rules that most groups share and understand, assuming them as their own. Therefore, it is key for a marketing professional to understand and exploit them to the maximum, since if our message meets these variables we are on the right path to making our proposal successful.